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VADM Richard "Sweetpea" Allen, USN
Mrs. Diane Brennan
RADM Steve Briggs, USN (Ret.)
AWS1 James Buriak, USN
CAPT Robert Byng, USN (Ret.)
AWS1 Jonathan Clement, USN
LT Steven E. Combs, USN
LT Paul R. Fridley, USN
Abby Furco
CWO Jonathan Gibson, USN
RADM Jack Godlewski, USN
Mr. Dave Golden
AOAA Bryan Grosso, USN
Ruby Jernigan
LCDR Landon L. Jones, USN
LT Matthew "11" Lowe, USN
VADM Michael D. Malone, USN (Ret.)
RADM Thomas A. Meinicke, USN (Ret.)
CAPT Thomas R. Metz, USN (Ret.)
LT Kieran "Tater" O'Conner, USN
LT Wes Van Dorn, USN
LCDR Charles Z. Walker, USN
LT Nathan "Beefcake" Williams, USN
Jackson and Lauren Adams
Ensign Charles J. Harris, USN
VADM Ross A. Myers, USN (Ret.)
Joel Nogle
RADM Rich and Eileen O'Hanlon, USN (Ret.)
VADM and Mrs. Mike Shoemaker, USN (Ret.)
VADM Denby Starling, USN(Ret.)